So yesterday was an interesting day. Our van was finally repaired and we went to pick it up. About the time we got the van from our friend who'd worked on it, the lunar eclipse was starting. As the boys and I headed home in the van (and Angel followed in the rental car), the boys got really excited about the eclipse and asked some good questions.
Once we got home and transferred some papers and stuff from the rental car back to the van, I decided to let the boys stay outside with me and watch the eclipse. Adam got out his toy binoculars and watched, occasionally letting his brother look through them. A few minutes later, Angel came outside and we all watched as the eclipse reached its fullness. Then as we saw that the eclipse was starting to wane, we went back inside. I'd hoped to use the digital camera to snap some shots of the eclipse but AA batteries were nowhere to be found (drat.) So, this cool picture I found on the Drudge Report will just have to do...
Youthfest 2004 was a great success last Saturday! We had an terrific turnout, sound was excellent, transitions between speakers and musical groups was near-flawless, the guest groups were diverse and talented, the Gospel was preached in three well-timed mini-sermons and best of all, one soul came to Christ! That made the whole event worthwhile...
In other news, I've been continuing to tweak IR Haven's look and feel over the last week. Thanks to Blog Explosion, we've been getting dozens of extra visitors per day, so I've been trying to make the site easier to load and nicer to look at. If you want to leave feedback on IR Haven, you can e-mail me or just leave a comment on this blog entry. Have a great day!
Best Wishes,
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