Modern Faith
Some people say they don't have faith.
Some say they don't have enough faith to believe in God.
Some say they don't have enough faith to believe that Jesus Christ is Savior of the world.
I would counter that by saying that everyone has faith. Maybe not faith in God or Jesus, but everyone exhibits faith every single day.
It takes faith to believe you can open your eyes.
It takes faith to get out of bed and face each day.
It takes faith to operate a toaster or microwave oven.
It takes faith to ride a bicycle or drive a car.
It takes faith to repair something.
It takes faith to go on a job interview.
It takes faith to travel by airplane.
It takes faith to believe your computer will boot up correctly.
It takes faith to believe that someone will respond when you instant message them.
It takes faith to believe that people will read your blog.
It takes a LOT of faith to become a physician.
It takes a LOT of faith to commit to raising a child.
It takes a LOT of faith to make a marriage work.
It takes a LOT of faith to advance a career.
It takes a LOT of faith to be involved in politics or activism.
It takes a LOT of faith to recover from failure and get on with your life.
It took God to put that faith in all of us.
It took God to give us a desire to better ourselves, to seek purpose in life.
It took Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross and God resurrecting Him from the dead and send the Holy Ghost that can fill that space, that emptiness, and give us direction and encouragement during our lifetimes and hope for what's to come after we die.
Does it take faith to believe in God? Yes.
Does it take faith to believe Jesus is the Son of God? Yes.
Does it take faith to believe in an afterlife? Absolutely.
Is it hard to take that step of faith to believe in these things? Definitely.
Can you do it? Yes.
Because God gives each and every one of us that faith when we're born.
2 Peter 3:9 (King James Version)
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
John 3:16 (KJV)
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Thanks for reading this. It's not copied from anywhere, I wrote it (except for the scriptures, of course)...and yes, it took faith. Have a great day!
Best Wishes,