From the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website:
Sending Aid to Asia

Dear Friends,
My heart is saddened over the scenes that we have seen the last few days on our television sets as it relates to the tragedy in Southeast Asia. Tens of thousands of people lost their lives within minutes after the wall of water hit; and for most, there was absolutely no warning.
Twenty-eight years ago, I was preaching in Calcutta when a similar disaster hit South India. The government provided a helicopter for me to go personally and view the damage, which was very similar to what we see today. I committed that the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association would help to rebuild one of those villages that was destroyed. A year later my son, Franklin, and members of our team went back for the dedication of the new village that we rebuilt.
Ruth and I have been praying that maybe we could do something like this again where we could find an isolated village that was completely destroyed and take the responsibility to rebuild it. We have a fund at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association we call the World Emergency Fund. Over the years when there have been tragedies and we have quietly given from this fund, whatever comes in goes out—100 percent of it. Not even a penny is taken for any kind of administration.
I hesitated to write because I didn’t want to burden you with too much mail, but I thought this was too important. If you would like to help, you can just make your check payable to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and designate it to World Emergency Fund.
We will help immediately in a meaningful way; and of course, we will do it in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Please remember these people that have lost so much in your prayers. I wish I had the strength to go myself. Thank you and God bless you.
Billy Graham
Donate online now to the World Emergency Fund >
Or mail your check to:
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
World Emergency Fund
1 Billy Graham Parkway
Charlotte, NC 28201
In Canada:
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada
World Emergency Fund
20 Hopewell Way NE
Calgary AB, T3J 5H5
Interrace Haven is not associated with or a part of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. I just thought this was a wonderful idea.
Best Wishes,
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