Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The Earthquake/Tsumani Disaster Part 2: I Can't Quite Get Past It...

...and I'm not sure I want to. Horrible as it was and continues to be, this is a world event. The planet's geographical map was forever altered and the rotation was even momentarily affected. Seismologists even registered shockwaves as far away as Oklahoma (Thanks, Drudge).

Just knowing that more than 50,000 people were killed (with that number expected to grow, perhaps significantly) is almost numbing. I feel a sense of grief for people I never met, for survivors I will probably never meet -- but nevertheless, I feel a connection and I feel a tremendous sense of loss.

I felt this kind of loss with the Iran earthquake last year, though not this profoundly, I will admit -- and I felt this way after the Columbia shuttle disaster. Only 9/11/01 affected me more than any of these; that made me physically feverish and ill trying to cope with the onslaught of emotions those attacks brought out in me and my family.

I have updated the ISAA webpage to include an appeal for people to give to one of the organizations involved in the relief efforts. It's the least I can do, besides pray for the survivors. The U.S. government is giving $35 million in assistance and other countries are giving significant donations of money, food and supplies but this will be a very costly recovery for those 11 countries.

It's going to be a long week...

Best Wishes,

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