Friday, February 11, 2005

Funeral For A Friend

Today was my friend's funeral/homegoing service. Although the morning started out rainy, by the time the service began, it was just cloudy and peaceful. The church was packed with people: her family, friends, coworkers and the church congregation. It was a beautiful service, with encouraging music plus words of commendation and praise for her life in Christ. I sang with the choir and was very proud to do so. The gospel was also preached for the living and the service concluded with music, including one of the songs that my friend was known for singing. It was moving and encouraging to do this, to feel the church was honoring her life by singing this song she not only loved but whose lyrics of testimony she lived.

A few years ago, another friend of mine from church passed away. We sang one of her favorite songs which she had performed during her life, a Hebrew song, at her homegoing. We did this because she was greatly involved in the foreign language program at the church. Although I had only known her for about 5 years, this woman was one of the first people to witness Christ to me and my wife. It is very consolating to be able to do something that would have pleased them, to do honor to their memory, especially at their homegoing.

Before I became a Christian, I used to fear death. I really did. Now, I don't feel that way. We're all going to die someday, that can't be helped. What matters is how we live this life. I can think of no better way to go on living than to tell people about what my God and His Son, Jesus Christ, have done (and continue to do) for me.

I have felt many emotions today but I am happy tonight. I am happy my friend has made her peace with God and gone to be with Him.

Best Wishes,

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