Monday, December 20, 2004

Holiday Updates

My apologies for not blogging in several days. Quite a bit has been going on to keep life busy and hectic...but that's actually not a bad thing!

Late Wednesday evening, we got our van back and Thursday morning, we turned in the rental car. Overall, I enjoyed the little Nissan Sentra and I'm still very happy with the service and choices of Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Tuesday we'd had a rehearsal for this Sunday's Christmas musical program at church and Wednesday, we had rehearsed at church for the same. Thursday evening, we actually had a night to relax. Friday, Angel and I went to a Christmas dinner for the young married couples of our church (which was wonderful). Saturday was dress rehearsal and then yesterday was the program itself! So, as you see, we've been kinda busy.

Tonight we'll be rehearsing for a First Light performance tomorrow night at a toy giveaway which is part of Operation Christmas Gift. For months, the toys and donations have been collected and now, it's time to distribute them to needy children here in Austin. Recently, our pastor and a group from the church went to Belize and Guatemala, Central America, to distribute the gift -and toy-filled shoeboxes there. First Light participated in last year's event and it was very rewarding. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's event, Lord willing.

Then later this week, we'll begin the Christmas festivities, visiting with relatives and friends. We'll be staying in Central Texas, just as we did for Thanksgiving.

I'll update again as possible.

Best Wishes,

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